Are you eager to get back into the clothes that used to fit you?
Are you currently in a place where you hate your body and are fed up with how you look and feel?
Are you tired of looking in the mirror and not liking the reflection that looks back at you?
Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time?
The year was 2014, and my wife and I were taking our 3 kids out to the local pool for a fun day of swimming and rocketing down the waterslides.
At this point in my life I had been training on a consistent basis for almost 2 decades, and I prided myself on my workout ethic and how hard I trained.
But here I was, looking back at a reflection that called into question whether or not I had ever worked out in my life!
I design cutting edge, yet amazingly simple training programs that don't take up a lot of your time, and that will not only have you burning fat and toning up faster than you ever thought possible, but will also give you solid, clear guidelines and show you how to sustain these results for life.
I design simple and easy to follow nutritional strategies and concepts that will revolutionize your eating habits and transform your body quickly and effectively, while still allowing you the freedom and flexibility to enjoy the foods and beverages you love.
I take my 1 on 1 clients very seriously, and I will hold your hand every step of the way to make sure that you not only achieve your fitness and fat loss goals, but CRUSH them!
It’s hard even for genetically gifted people who have unlimited time and resources, not to mention the average joe who has to juggle job and family responsibilities.
However, from my experience as a coach, it’s not necessarily the daily grind that does people in and sees them give up, but the anxiety and uncertainty of not knowing what the right decisions are:
These might seem like trivial things, but look at all the other choices we have to make just to navigate our way through a single day?
At some point, it all becomes too much and we eventually just shut down.
It’s no wonder so many just throw up their hands in the air and give up on making their fitness and fat loss dreams and goals into a reality.
My job is to eliminate this anxiety...
Have you ever noticed that professional athletes are basically treated like children?
All of their menial daily tasks like cooking, laundry, travel arrangements, training programs, etc, are all taken care of for them so that they can just focus on what they need to do to be successful.
Now imagine if YOU had that kind of attention.
What if all you had to do was show up (at the gym or the refrigerator) and just "paint by the numbers"?
No questions, no anxiety, and above all, no random googling for answers.
I Have 20+ Years Of Experience:
I have been training on a consistent basis for over 2 decades and, after trying pretty much every method there is, I know exactly what works, what doesn’t.
Along the way, I've also discovered some very effective tweaks, tricks and hacks to fast track your fitness and fat loss results.
I’ve Worked With 400+ Clients:
I own and operate my own 24/7 Commercial Gym and have worked with more than 400 people as a personal trainer.
I know what it takes to get results for a wide cross-section of people, because I've seen pretty much everything during my years as a gym owner and personal trainer.
I Used to Be A Busy, Out Of Shape Parent Myself:
I am not a freak athlete with perfect genetics, chemical “enhancement”, and a supplement company behind him.
I am just your average busy dad who’s been exactly where you are now, and am passionate about using my knowledge and experience to help people just like you feel great about their bodies again.
I’ve Prepared Battle-Tested Methods That Work & Get Results:
Unlike many weight loss "gurus" or newbie trainers in franchise gyms, I've actually tried my methods with hundreds of clients, and I've seen directly the fantastic results that are possible.
Are you dedicated and committed to achieving your fat loss goals once and for all?
Or are you going to continue chasing the newest, shiny fitness fad, one after another?
Wasting your time and energy as the months and years slowly slip away, your waistline continues to expand and your health, vitality and zest for life suffers?
What will you decide?
To achieve change, it means doing something different.
The late, great Albert Einstein once said that "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result."